
San Paolo Hospital - Milano - 2012

Intensive Care Unit

The Intensive Care Unit of San Paolo Hospital in Milan is known as a centre of excellence for clinics and training in intensive care, also producing advanced guidelines for treatment of acute illnesses.


Clinical and Medical Psychology Service (CMPS)

Since 2005 the Intensive Care Unit, the Clinical and Medical Psychology Service and C.U.R.A centre collaborate on clinical activities, research and training. This website is born from this collaboration and wants to be an example of integration between medicine and psychology. The aim is to deal with psychic suffering in order to guarantee the best possible care to patients and their relatives.

Clinical and Medical Psychology Service activities are closely related to the University Centre for research on relational aspects in medicine (C.U.R.A.) of the University of Milan, that conducts researches on the relationship between physician and patient or physician and relatives, for example:

Giving bad news to patients and relatives

Chronic patient education

Communication with painful patients

Communication about organ e tissue donation

LR EI 20/03/18

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