Because of the severity of hospitalized patients' conditions, their need for several therapies and continuous observation, the use of various machines, it can be easily understood why the access of visitors to Intensive Care Units is strictly regulated in order to protect patients from infection transmission, avoid confusion in a such peculiar work environment and to respect safety and privacy of all patients.
Let's see the rules expected to be followed in an Intensive Care Unit:
Before approaching and leaving the bed of your loved one, wash your hands carefully to reduce the possibility of infection transmission.
Do not touch any equipment or tube or anything else, even if it worries or attracts your attention: this could be very dangerous for the patient.
Do not speak loud and keep your mobile phone ringtone off.
Do not give drugs of any kind, food or beverages to the patients without operators' permission.
It is useful to choose one or more than one reference person (but always the same ones) to receive medical information: this avoids misunderstandings

It is not allowed to give medical information by telephone. However, it is important for the staff to have your telephone number: in case of emergency we will call you and ask to reach our ICU.