Support our research

Scientific research allows us to increase the knowledge and to find better tools to take care of patients.

We would thank all the organizations that believed and supported this research project.

In 2018, the new project “Intensiva 2.0” started.  

Beside the subscription to regional, national and international grants, which provide money for research activities, your help is essential for us as well: if you’ll support our research, you’ll be able to contribute to improve the quality of the treatment offered to critically ill patients hospitalized in Intensive Care Units and to their families.


You can send a Bank transfer to:

Società Italiana di Anestesia, Analgesia, Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva (SIAARTI)     via dell'Università 11     00185 Roma 

IBAN: IT50H 03359 01600 10000 0101523


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