Other ICU patients' experience


San Paolo Hospital – Milan, November 11th, 2010

It's been a year now, and I find it extraordinary to be here. When I think about it, it strikes me how the memories of this adventure are still alive in my mind.

Last year, around this time of the day, you were intubating me in the ICU and I perfectly remember even those moments... I don't think I thanked enough you and those of your staff I could talk to directly for doing what you have done for me.

I don't think I will ever be able to wholly explain how grateful I am to you all for what you have been able to do.

The only thing I can do is to thank you today, exactly one year after what I consider my new "birth-day".

You and your staff are my heroes, you're the ones who made it possible for me to look at myself at the mirror every morning and hug my loved ones every day.

I thank you and I appreciate you not only for your medical skills, but also for being a staff of experts which loved me and made me want to stay with you.

I give a big hug to you an your staff.

Thank you.



Click here to read the experiences of:

  • Enzo
  • Damiano

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